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Korea, the Last of the Fun Wars
From the Beach to the Reservoir & Other Heroic Events

Kal & Anette Kalnasy

Publisher: Luminary Media Group
ISBN-10: 1930580126
ISBN-13: 9781930580121
Trade Paperback Book  160 pages  6 in x 9 in

Click here for availability details.

Make no mistake. War is not fun. When a son asked fifty years later about the Korean War, his dad responded by writing the poem "From the Beach to the Reservoir." The realities described in this poem are harsh, and the only way to cope is with humor as the authors express in "the other heroic events." The comical style somewhat helps relieve the pain of war. "The events are humorous," comments co-author Kal Kalnasy. "They were meant to be. If the humor offends someone, I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry for writing about it." Included are 20 Korean War photos from the Marine Corps University Research Archives. Portions of the proceeds will be donated to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.

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