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Earthly Essence and Other Poems

Ralph Geralde Lane

Publisher: Ulyssian Publications
ISBN-10: 1930580134
ISBN-13: 9781930580138
Softcover Wire-O Book  104 pages  5.5 in. x 8.5 in.

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Ralph Geralde Lane “My poetry is focused on nature, our relevance in the universe, and the meaning of time. Words and phrases, expressed in a disciplined style, may convey emotion or create mental images blending into the life experiences of others. Therein lies the measure of an author’s work.”
—Ralph Geralde Lane

Ralph Geralde Lane was born November 24, 1911, in Des Moines, Iowa. He attended Grinnell College, where he was editor of the campus humor magazine and where his lifelong passion for poetry was born. During the Great Depression, he hitchhiked across the country in search of opportunities, settling in Southern California, where he married and raised his family. In the collection Earthly Essence and Other Poems, he peers with wit and wisdom through our everyday existence, into the corridors of philosophy and the dim vistas of cosmology, offering new perspectives on our time.

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