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Modernizing Your Bridge Bidding

Gerald "Jerry" Olsen

Publisher: Luminary Media Group
ISBN-10: 1930580223
ISBN-13: 9781930580220
Trade Paperback Book  144 pages  5.5 in. x 8.5 in.


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Gerald "Jerry"  Olsen A book for those who already play Bridge and know how to score and apply the bonus points for games, small slams, and grand slams. The author gives you detailed information for opening bids in a suit and No Trump, then gives more insights to rebids, weak bids, strong bids, take-out doubles, and overcalls. Good tips for opening, responding, and rebidding. From Bridge bidding basics through the most frequently used modern conventions, you can read clear explanations, review information with each chapter's summary, and test yourself with quizzes to apply Jerry's lessons. A great book for you and your Bridge partner to study together, and then to have more fun than ever with better bidding and better Bridge scores!

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