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How It Works During the Project  
1 Submit Material Project Analysis
2 Editing Begins
Editorial Corrections Layout
3 Layout Begins
4 Text Layout  Options Text
5 Cover Layout  Options
6 Approval to Proceed
7 Proofing Final Corrections
8 Final Approval
9 Printing Manufacturing
10 Delivery
Submit Material / Project Analysis

You can submit material electronically or as physical items. A manuscript in a general word-processing format is preferred. We also prefer images separate from the manuscript—either as electronic JPG and TIF files, or original photographs or illustrations that can be scanned.

Once all material is received, the content is verified to indeed fit the physical specifications for the project. One important factor is whether the content will fit within the expected number of pages of the book. A submitted manuscript often has a different page count than the actual book.

After your manuscript is received, we place it into our own software for editing and layout preparation.

Next step: Editing Begins

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